National Council
for Persons with Disabilities

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(a) Be a co-ordinating body for all organisations dealing with the care and rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities.

(b) Formulate a national policy that would ensure that services are provided to all persons with disabilities in Fiji.

(c) Draw up a national plan of action for rehabilitation service and implement such a plan.

(d) Seek financial assistance from government and aid donors for itself and registered organisations providing service to persons with disabilities.

(e) Maintain a register of all the organisations providing service to persons with disabilities and ensure that the independence of such organisation is maintained.

(f) Organise national seminars and workshops relating to the problems and needs of persons with disabilities and assist in the training of personnel involved in the are, training, education and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities.

(g) Create public awareness of the problems and the aspirations of persons with disabilities through educational media.

(h) Regularly inform the appropriate Ministries of the government of the problems and needs of persons with disabilities and seek solutions to such needs.

(i) Work towards the elimination of causes of disability.

(j) Establish a National Rehabilitation Fund the purpose of which will be to attract national and international contributions in terms of funds, expertise, material and equipment to be used in implementing a national rehabilitation plan.

(k) Periodically review the national policy and national plan of action for the purpose of determining their continuing relevance to local, regional and international realities.
