National Council
for Persons with Disabilities

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Vision and Mission statement


"Total empowerment, equal opportunities and full participation in a barrier-free environment for all persons with Disabilities in Fiji". And, that a fully/truly inclusive Society becomes a Reality.


  1. "To facilitate the process of creating a barrier free Society through a collective collaboration and partnership with all stakeholders".
  2. "To bring to prevail for persons with disablities in Fiji a situation whereby government ministries and statutory authorities, local government, coporate sector, and civil society organizations meet their legislative, constitutional and international conventional obligations".
  3. "To organise and continue to strengthen national affiliates through democratic, gender balanced, cross-disability based processes."
  4. "To partner with other development agencies and governments towards the equalisation of opportunities and full participation of persons with disabilities in their own development and development of other communities".
  5. "In partnership with government, civil societies and corporate entities create fully/truly inclusive society".

The Council's focus in the future would be on training for persons with disabilities, creation of job opportunities, improvements in medical services and health care and establishment of facilities to improve mobility and accessibility to public places.
