Fiji National Council
for Disabled Persons

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  1. The establishment of the FNCDP in March 1993.
  2. The enactment of the FNCDP Act in 1994.
  3. The establishment of Advisory Committees on Health; Education; Housing, Transport, and Environment; Vocational Training and Employment; Sports; and Legislation.
  4. The formation of the seventeen (17) District Committees throughout the country.
  5. The inclusion of the FNCDP requirements in the 1996 Fiji National Population Census.
  6. The 1996 census included for the first time questions about disability.
  7. The inclusion of the Bill of Rights in the 1997 Amended Constitution of the Fiji Islands.
  8. The issue of stamps by Post Fiji to depict the Decade of Disabled.
  9. The participation of the FNCDP in National forums for Children Co-ordinating Committee (CCC).
  10. Women (Task Force) with Ministry for Women.
  11. The City of Suva, capital of Fiji and other township made alterations and adjustments in constructions of structure that are disabled friendly, such as wheelchair access and public toilets, buildings and entertainment centers and street wheelchair ramps.
  12. Members of the Vinaka Club - working to fix wheel chairs in Japan. This group sends wheelchairs annually to FNCDP
  13. The extension of new school buildings to cater for Vocational training in the existing disabled Institution.
  14. The design and updating of the Certificate course in disability studies for caregivers at the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji.
  15. The Introduction of Community workers Certificate Disabilities Studies at the University of the South Pacific.
  16. The registration of all disabled servicing NGOs with the FNCDP.
  17. The recognition and promotion of the Annual International Day for Disabled Persons, (celebrated in around the last week of the school terms breaks to enable the children from disabled schools to participate effectively).
  18. Annual sport events for all children from Special schools from around the country.
  19. Participations in International Sports events by Fiji's Sports Association for Disabled.
  20. Establishment of the H.E.A.V.E.N. Project which specialised in the testing of Visual/Audio problems amongst primary schools in Fiji and to refer those affected to Consultants.
  21. The successful completion of a national research on Disability, Law and Policy.
  22. The establishment of Community Based Rehabilitation Services provided by government, which provides rehabilitation services to rural and remote communities.
  23. Association with Japanese Group (Vinaka Group) - an organization whose members are persons with disabilities, who assist the Council in donating wheelchairs, school bus etc to our disabled population.
  24. Association with Wheelchair foundation and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints who assists the Council by donating wheelchairs.


During the past Decade, Fiji has recognized the needs for people with disabilities and is in the process of implementing the Agenda for Action for Persons with Disabilities and Government Policies.

National Co-ordination:

  1. The establishment of the Fiji National Council for Disabled Persons (FNCDP).
  2. The enactment of the Fiji National Council for Disabled Persons (FNCDP) Act 21 of 1994.
  3. The appointment of the FNCDP Advisory Committees and District Committees.



Housing, Transport and Environment

Reduction by half of bus fares for the disabled.


  1. Inter-Ministerial division on the formulation of relevant Special Education Policy.
  2. Blueprint for Affirmative Action on Special Education.

Major Milestone Achievements:
